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Showing posts with the label Load Test

TestOps: What is it and Why we need it

Years of experiences in the software industry shows that there are many more thing that has not been discovered yet. Every approach found in the software industry aims to accelerate the development speed with more customer satisfaction.  Hence the new term "TestOps" is also creating different perspectives on the relationship between test activities to the operational activities within the DevOps culture. In the post, I want to explain my experience with the TestOps.  What is TestOps It shortly stands for tests and operations. Within the DevOps culture, it is a sub-discipline DevOps. There are two approaches to TestOps, these are related to the test approach that you are applying the overall test approach. Mainly if you are applying ` shift-left testing ` then the TestOps should be adopted to have more collaboration with the development team, ` TestOps shift-right `. On the other hand, if you are applying ` shift-right testing ` then the TestOps should be adopted to have more ...

Automated Performance Testing with K6

Automated testing is running the tests and reporting results by tools with scripts. Automated performance testing is designing the performance test scenarios to run them spontaneously by tools and evaluating the result by tools to decide to go or not to go further. Automated Performance Testing is A subset of the performance test scenarios Designed to run spontaneously by tools Designed to evaluate the result by tools Designed not to break the system Having decision metrics, ex: max response time, max-average resp time, ... Designed to create reports for the concurrent and historical run What Types of Performance Testing Should be Automated Automated performance testing can be applied to all types of performance testing. However, each type needs a different level of maturity and sanity. Automated Performance Testing is Easily applied to load testing Hard to apply stress test, spike test, but have benefits Very hard to apply Soak-Endura...

Basics about Performance Testing Tools

I had an opportunity to give a speech about how we can automate performance testing in CI/CD pipeline in a conference held in Istanbul for the first time " Test automation and Digital QA Submit Istanbul, #TAS19 ". My subject was "Automated Performance Testing", the first part of the speech is to explain what is performance tests and the second part is to explain performance tools, and the last section is to explain what is automated performance testing and how to implement it to CI/CD.  In this post, I want to explain my thoughts about the basics of performance testing tools. Next posts will focus on automated performance testing and using K6 as a performance testing tool. How to Evaluate Performance Testing Tools Before diving into the performance testing tools and technologies we have in the industry, we should define the criteria for evaluation. Each tool has its own advantages or disadvantages and similarity between ancestors or others. When we star...

Performance Testing

I had an opportunity to give a speech about how we can automate performance testing in CI/CD pipeline in a conference held in Istanbul for the first time " Test automation and Digital QA Submit Istanbul, #TAS19 ". My subject was "Automated Performance Testing", the first part of the speech is to explain what is performance tests.  In this post, I want to explain my thoughts about performance testing. Next posts will focus on automated performance testing and using K6 as a performance testing tool. What is Performance Testing By Definition Defining the performance of the system by testing the functionalities of the system in terms of the non-functionalities   Performance Testing is A non-functional testing Testing the functionalities of the system Both black-box and white-box testing Defining how the system works under any loads Applied under different load levels Applied under different load increments Applied under different dur...

Why Performance Test on Cloud

When a software comes to production the weakest points are mostly related to performance of the application. The reason is that most of the organization test the application functionally by testers and on acceptance testing period again the applications is under testing to check functional requirements. The missing point is non-functional testing like performance of the application.  Another failure point is testing the performance as the last level of development process. This means that any misleading failures in the service level can cause a very big problem on production stage so it requires extra source if possible and extra budget. As the terminology says "finding the big issue earlier stage of the development can reduce the fixing effort exponentially " . Therefore test the performance of the software output whenever it is ready, this could be an api end point, a function servers data to system, a web servers, and etc.  Another failure is related to technolo...

Open Source Testing Tools:

Test Automation JAutomate: Third generation test automation tool for both GUI and Web application projects. This is the first free GUI test automation tool. You can easily record automation script and customize it then replay. You can download the JAutomate here . Performance Testing Tools LoadUI: LoapUI is an open source performance testing tools for load test, it is available for Windows, Linux and Mac. LoadUI has a nice user interface, it is easy to use and the most atractive feature is that while it is running you can add  new performance parameters or new test case or you can change the load without stopping and you can add new indicator to the graphics. You can download from here SoapUI : SoapUI is an open source performance testing toolsfor web service performance test, it is available for Windows, Linux and Mac. Although SoapUI is designed to test the performance of web services but we can also perform laod test by right clicking a test case a...