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Showing posts with the label devops

Enhancing DevOps Efficiency: The Crucial Role of Automated Testing in CI/CD

In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, the adoption of DevOps practices has become paramount for organizations striving to deliver high-quality software at an accelerated pace. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) are integral components of the DevOps pipeline, ensuring rapid and reliable software delivery. In this era of DevOps, automated testing plays a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency, reliability, and overall success of the CI/CD process. DevOps Understanding DevOps, CI/CD, and Automated Testing DevOps: A Cultural Shift DevOps is a cultural and organizational shift that seeks to break down silos between development and operations teams. It emphasizes collaboration, communication, and automation to deliver high-quality software more efficiently. CI/CD, on the other hand, is a set of best practices that automate the process of integrating code changes and deploying them to production. Continuous Integration involves regularly merging code

Bitrise integrate Browserstack to Run XCUITest

Bitrise is one of the best solutions for mobile application development. It gives us many mobile app-related steps to create CI/CD (continuous integration / continuous deployment) pipelines (or workflows as in the Bitrise). Around the mobile application development ecosystem, we have many cloud solutions to make quick and reliable development processes. Browserstack is also one of them, it is widely used in web development and testing but also it also has nice features like 'App Live' and 'App Automate' for mobile app testing. In this post, I want to share how we can integrate Browserstack to Bitrise to run XCUITest. Run XCUITest on Browserstack via Bitrise If you want to run XCUITest on a real device then you must build the for generic iOS devices. Building for generic iOS devices requires provisioning so you should ensure that you added the provisioning step to the workflow. Also to be able to run an iOS build on a real device, the device should be registered to the

Bitrise Integrate Browserstack to Run Espresso Tests

Bitrise is one of the best solutions for mobile application development. It gives us many mobile app-related steps to create CI/CD (continuous integration / continuous deployment) pipelines (or workflows as in the Bitrise). Around the mobile application development ecosystem, we have many cloud solutions to make quick and reliable development processes. Browserstack is also one of them, it is widely used in web development and testing but also it also has nice features like 'App Live' and 'App Automate' for mobile app testing. In this post, I want to share how we can integrate Browserstack to Bitrise to run Espresso by directly calling the Browserstack API. Run Espresso on Browserstack via Bitrise If you want to run Espresso tests on a real device then you must build the android project testing so we need to add the ' Android Build for UI Testing ' step then add a script runner to run the Browserstack script. See the workflow: In this example, we are using a scr

TestOps: What is it and Why we need it

Years of experiences in the software industry shows that there are many more thing that has not been discovered yet. Every approach found in the software industry aims to accelerate the development speed with more customer satisfaction.  Hence the new term "TestOps" is also creating different perspectives on the relationship between test activities to the operational activities within the DevOps culture. In the post, I want to explain my experience with the TestOps.  What is TestOps It shortly stands for tests and operations. Within the DevOps culture, it is a sub-discipline DevOps. There are two approaches to TestOps, these are related to the test approach that you are applying the overall test approach. Mainly if you are applying ` shift-left testing ` then the TestOps should be adopted to have more collaboration with the development team, ` TestOps shift-right `. On the other hand, if you are applying ` shift-right testing ` then the TestOps should be adopted to have more

GitHub Actions: CI / CD Tools - Applying for Ruby / Rspec Project

Github released the beta version of " actions " last year for creating a CI/CD pipeline for the projects. This feature enables us to create a pipeline easily with the web interface of Github.  I want to run the tests for one of my public project in the Github before merging branches to the master. For testsozluk aka " test dictionary ", which contains terms frequently used in the software industry with the meaning and usage of them in Turkish. For the project, tests are critical because JSON files in the Github project are the data source of the application so if any corruption in the data may break the android and the ios application. The tests in the project are written in Ruby by using Rspec to assert them so I used the Github actions to verify before merging code. In this post, I want to explain how this can be done. Github's actions are very easy to apply. You can add it just go to the Actions tab in your project and then select one of the predefined opt

Automated Performance Testing with K6

Automated testing is running the tests and reporting results by tools with scripts. Automated performance testing is designing the performance test scenarios to run them spontaneously by tools and evaluating the result by tools to decide to go or not to go further. Automated Performance Testing is A subset of the performance test scenarios Designed to run spontaneously by tools Designed to evaluate the result by tools Designed not to break the system Having decision metrics, ex: max response time, max-average resp time, ... Designed to create reports for the concurrent and historical run What Types of Performance Testing Should be Automated Automated performance testing can be applied to all types of performance testing. However, each type needs a different level of maturity and sanity. Automated Performance Testing is Easily applied to load testing Hard to apply stress test, spike test, but have benefits Very hard to apply Soak-Endura

(Micro) Service Testing with Postman - Newman - Docker

Postman seems to become a defacto tool for service testing because the Postman is very user-friendly, easy-to-learn, all-in-one, lightweight and collaborating tool. Postman has been used for a long time but recently it has growing popularity because of a stable native application, collaboration feature after version 6.2, sharing of collections for team, interactive working with the team, mocks for isolated testing, environments for running the test for different test environments such as local, development, stage ... and many more features. For me, one of the biggest features is easy-to-use for everyone in a team so everyone in a team can use and update a postman collection easily. In this post, I want to explain how postman can be used efficiently. Testing a Service and Writing Tests With postman testing service is simple. Postman supports many methods like POST , GET , PUT , PATCH . Just select the correct method and hit the service URL you want to test. Postman also has everyth

Scalable Tests for Responsive Web: Running Cucumber and Capybara with Tags in Dockers

If you are using Capybara with Cucumber, tagging is a very efficient feature of the Cucumber for manageable test cases. Tagging can be also used for managing test environments, like @test may mean that these tests run only in the test environment so set the environment as the test for me. Likely @live may mean that these tests can run on the live environment, assume that you are applying continuous testing. You can also give the scenarios for device-specific tags, like @ihphone6_v may say these tests are for iphone6 with the vertical mode. Moreover, with tagging, you can also make an isolation strategy for running your test in parallel. Each parallel suits should have its own data like users, active records, address, credit card info, and ext. I have used the tagging for running tests in dockers. In this post, you can find some practical way of running Capybara with Cucumber in Dockers. Creating Docker Image: Dockerfile I am using Ruby version 2.3 so in Dockerfile gett