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Showing posts with the label testing

(Framework) API Test automation with Ruby Rspec and Airborne

Automated tests for API and services are very important so there are lots of solutions for API test automation in the market. These solutions can be commercial-off-the-shelf (COT) or opensource libraries also, there are many frameworks created around these opensource libraries. Testing APIs with tools that have IDE can be easy to start and learn but it can be challenging to customize for your unique problems or integration to CI/CD tools can be hard. Therefore I can suggest you use one of the opensource libraries by implementing it with your favorite language. In this way, it can run faster,  easily extendable, and configurable.  I have created a framework with Airborne and Rspec for automating API tests, you can  check it from Github .  In this post, I want to explain what is Airborne and how I implemented a framework around it. You can simply update the environment variables and write your specs file in the ` specs ` folder.  What i...

TestOps: What is it and Why we need it

Years of experiences in the software industry shows that there are many more thing that has not been discovered yet. Every approach found in the software industry aims to accelerate the development speed with more customer satisfaction.  Hence the new term "TestOps" is also creating different perspectives on the relationship between test activities to the operational activities within the DevOps culture. In the post, I want to explain my experience with the TestOps.  What is TestOps It shortly stands for tests and operations. Within the DevOps culture, it is a sub-discipline DevOps. There are two approaches to TestOps, these are related to the test approach that you are applying the overall test approach. Mainly if you are applying ` shift-left testing ` then the TestOps should be adopted to have more collaboration with the development team, ` TestOps shift-right `. On the other hand, if you are applying ` shift-right testing ` then the TestOps should be adopted to have more ...

Basics about Performance Testing Tools

I had an opportunity to give a speech about how we can automate performance testing in CI/CD pipeline in a conference held in Istanbul for the first time " Test automation and Digital QA Submit Istanbul, #TAS19 ". My subject was "Automated Performance Testing", the first part of the speech is to explain what is performance tests and the second part is to explain performance tools, and the last section is to explain what is automated performance testing and how to implement it to CI/CD.  In this post, I want to explain my thoughts about the basics of performance testing tools. Next posts will focus on automated performance testing and using K6 as a performance testing tool. How to Evaluate Performance Testing Tools Before diving into the performance testing tools and technologies we have in the industry, we should define the criteria for evaluation. Each tool has its own advantages or disadvantages and similarity between ancestors or others. When we star...

New Modern Open Source Performance Testing Tool : Locust

If you are bored with using old fashioned Java GUI to test the performance of your applications, then you should try Locust. Jmeter , which is old fashioned as I mentioned, is very  mature and used by a big community but you have create your test case with an ugly GUI as much features as allows you. For me the best part of Locust is that you can write your test case with Python which is my favourite language and it is very simple to learn. The installation is very simple, you just need to type: > pip install locustio Some feature / deficiency  of Locust:  You can write your test case in Python You can define the user time consumption on a page with min_wait and max_wait  as milliseconds in locust class so that get a real user simulation.  You can give weight for each test cases so you can simulate real user behaviours like during a specific period of time: 1 person signs up, 10 persons login, 60 persons visit pa...

Good QA Assignment: You may Want to Ask in Your Interviews

QA position is not like development or analysis position so finding a good QA engineer is not as easy as development engineer. You may ask some technical questions to your QA candidate but half of the QA responsible is related to social ability, and the rest part is related to knowledge about testing domain and practices. I want to share a good review question and a related answers below. Question: Before you start- some directions: You need a computer, it can be a Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7, or a Mac OSX/Linux machine, of course   Download the  KeePass  installer and install it on your machine you intend to test with, install the Classic Edition Version 1.17 from:  http:// keepass .info/download.html The problem: KeePass  Password Safe is a free, open source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager for Windows. You can store your passwords in a highly-encrypted database, which is locked with one master password or key file. ...

E-Commerce and Testing

History of E-Commerce Doing trading something over the internet is simply called as electronic commerce, shortly e-commerce or eCommerce. The technology of e-commerce goes back to the 1979 when Micheal Aldrich introduced first online shopping system. Then Tim Berners-Lee used NeXT computer to create first web browsers and called it World Wide Web (www). When we came to 1995, the first e-commerce website was launched by Jeff Bezos and later on the same year, was launched by Pierre Omidyar. If we look at what happened this year, according to the b2b2dot0 which has gained this information from SAP-integrated eCommerce solution, for the 2nd quarter of 2013 the revenue is 147 Million dollars and 326 Million for 1st and 2nd quarters in total for only B2B market. According to the Forrester study prediction about 2013, 559 Million dollars for B2B market and 252 Million dollars for B2C market will be released.   Type of E-Commerce There are many types of sel...