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Showing posts from May, 2013

Turkey Software Quality Report 2012 - Türkiye Yazılım Kalitesi Raporu 2012

Turkish Testin Board (TTB) tarafından Türkiye'de yazılım kalitesi hakkında yapılan araştırma sonuçları Türkiye'de çıkartılan yazılımın kalitesi hakkında özet bilgiler sunmaktadır. Bu rapor ile bazı verilen sunulmuş ve bu veriler ışığında bazı çıkarımlar yapılmıştır. Bu yazımda bu 2012 - 2013 için hazırlanmış rapor hakkında yorumlarımı yazmak istedim. Türkiye Yazılım Kalitesi Rapor 2013 Öncelikle raporu hazırlayan dernek (TTB) hakkında kısa bilgi vermek gerekir. TTB 2006 yılında ISTQB'ye bağlı olarak kurulmuş ve Türkiye'de test eğitimi ve sertifikasyonu vermek üzere görevleri bulunan bir dernektir. Hatırlamak gerekirse ISTQB - uluslar arası test ve kalites derneği 2002 yılında Belçika'da kurulmuş bir dernektir ve 70 ülkede faliyet göstermektedir. Türkiye gibi ülkede dernekleride mevcuttur, tam listesini buradan görebilirsiniz. Bu derneklerin asıl amacı test eğitimi vermek ve sertifikasyonu yaymaktır. Bu doğrultuda yaklaşık olarak eğitim başına 1000$ ve ser...

Do Testers and Programmers have Conflicting of Interests?

Testers test the applications which are developed by developers belonging the output of the analysts. Analysis - Development - Test is trivet for software development projects and absence of one or not ideally running one of these steps can lead software project to fail. However, in high level thinking we may characterize analysts as solver , developers as producer, and testers as destructor because the major tasks of each role need these kinds of abilities. As a consequence, developers and testers have different abilities and different tasks, which may be concluded that they have opposite tasks such as one is to develop and one is to destruct the software; so they may have seen as having conflict of interest. In this post, I want to explain why the testers needs to search a way to destruct the software product which developers have already made an effort on it. The testing stage, for me not a stage it is a groups of activities from beginning to the end of software development lif...

Differences Between Testing and Checking

Testing is a group of activities which aim to make an application better by finding drawbacks. This explanation is not enough for successful testing result because every activities like checking, control, inspection, supervision or something apparently seen as testing activity do not fully accomplish what testing can do. In this post, I want to give some informations about the differences between testing and something such as checking which non-testing-knowledge people may see them as same.  First of all, let's look at the definition of testing by IEEE standard documentation IEEE - 829.1983 , this documentation sets the basics of testing and thereafter ISEB and ISTQB have used this standard for improving their software testing base. Definition of the software testing by IEEE is as follows, as you can see it in this reference : "Software testing is the process of analyzing a software item to detect the differences between existing and required conditions (that is, bugs...