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Showing posts with the label capybara

Scalable Tests for Responsive Web: Running Cucumber and Capybara with Tags in Dockers

If you are using Capybara with Cucumber, tagging is a very efficient feature of the Cucumber for manageable test cases. Tagging can be also used for managing test environments, like @test may mean that these tests run only in the test environment so set the environment as the test for me. Likely @live may mean that these tests can run on the live environment, assume that you are applying continuous testing. You can also give the scenarios for device-specific tags, like @ihphone6_v may say these tests are for iphone6 with the vertical mode. Moreover, with tagging, you can also make an isolation strategy for running your test in parallel. Each parallel suits should have its own data like users, active records, address, credit card info, and ext. I have used the tagging for running tests in dockers. In this post, you can find some practical way of running Capybara with Cucumber in Dockers. Creating Docker Image: Dockerfile I am using Ruby version 2.3 so in D...

Headless Miracles: Chromedriver Headless VS Chromdriver

You may have heard that we are running the cases in the headless mode so that we could accelerate the execution of the test cases.  So is this true all the time? In this post, I have a little test to compare the headless mode in Chromedriver with version 2.33 and Chromedriver. The tests were run in Windows. I am using Capybara , I have around 200 test cases written in Cucumber . Tests are running parallel with 15 execution lines. This execution is controlled by tags so we can get the execution time when a tag finished. With this way, we can compare the tag specific time differences and the total time difference. I am using the following Chromedriver instances written in env.rb  file in the project. TAGS Chrome Headless DIFF signup 90.0009999275 70.003000021 22.22% login 100.000999928 80.003000021 20.00% basket_a 120.000999928 120.003000021 0.00% order_d 160.001999855 150.0...

Create Alias for Interactive Console for Capybara on Windows

If you are working on shell most of the time Aliases are very help full and time saving. For testing purposes you can use Alias for getting ready your test suites. In this post, I want to explain both running Selenium and Capybara on console and creating aliases for each. This post is for Windows machines, if you are using Unix-like see this post . Creating Scripts for Selenium and Capybara First of all, it is assumed that you have installed  Selenium  and  Capybara  correctly and they work on your machines. If you haven't installed, you can see my previous posts. I am using Capybara with Ruby. You can use several different language for Selenium but Capybara works only with Ruby.  Create scripts in a directory called scripts (better to use this all user so the path should look like  c:/scripts ) for your automation tool as following, save them as capybara.rb  and respectively: Creating Aliases For Windows Creating Profile File F...

SQLCMD: Alternative Way of Working with Microsoft SQL Database for Ruby

If you have Microsoft SQL server in your test environment and want to populate test data in Capybara, Calabash scripts you will most probably have difficult time to installing appropriate Ruby gems. One of most popular ruby gem for Mssql connection is tiny_tds but I was not able to install it for both Windows and Unix like environment just because of dependencies. I got the following errors: Errno::EACCES: Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - /Users/mesutgunes/.rbenv/versions/2.3.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/tiny_tds-1.1.0/.codeclimate.yml An error occurred while installing tiny_tds (1.1.0), and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure that `gem install tiny_tds -v '1.1.0'` succeeds before bundling. Another popular ruby gem is sequel . It does not give an error for installation but when it comes to usage, it gives the following error for not found adapter. Main problem with the Mssql in unix is finding compatible adapter. See the log: irb#1(main):002:0> db = Sequel.odbc(...

Using ChromeOptions for Capybara: Disable Images and More

Chromedriver lets us set preferences via capabilities when it is initiated by Webdriver. These preferences can be used for specific purposes for example disabling images can reduce network needs and fasten the test runs; and disabling popups can make your cases more stable by reducing non-deterministic cases. In this post I want to explain how to use these feature of Chromedriver for Capybara with Ruby, you can also apply the same method for other languages with their bindings. Sometimes bandwidth is crucial if you have parallel pipelines for test runs. Think that you have 10 parallel pipes and very pipeline consume bandwidth to complete its tasks, the most heavy part of website generally images. If we disable the images we can fasten the overall test runs. To disable the images you should set the images option to 2 in preferences. For Capybara you can disable the images by following Chrome instance: Sometimes you need to disable popups which intermittently occurs and make...

How to Add Screenshot to Jenkins Cucumber Reports for Capybara

If you are using Capybara and Cucumber for test automation and Jenkins for CI/CD process you can run your test over Jenkins and see the result by Cucumber Result Plugin , for more information check the plugin page . By this plugin you can also see the screenshots taken when test cases fail.  To produce the result you need to save the result of the test as .json file, you can use the following command:      cucumber features -f json -o cucumber_result.json To enable to take screenshot if a case fails you need to set the application hook  of after case. The following configuration makes it automatically. See it and change screenshot path with your path. The key point is embedding the image after taking it then reports plugin make it visible on the report. Cucumber Result Plugin Screenshot for the failed test case

Change Default Timeout and Wait Time of Capybara

One of the biggest challenge for automation is handling timeout problem. Most of the time, timeout is 60 seconds but it may sometimes not enough if you have badly designed asynchronous calls or the third party ajax calls. This makes handling timeout more complex. set large enough to tolerate network related problems. For Selenium based automation frameworks, like Capybara, default Webdriver timeout is set to Net::ReadTimeout (Net::ReadTimeout) Changing ReadTimeout If you have timeout problem for Capybara, it gives an error like above. This means that the page is not fully loaded in given timeout period. Even you can see that page is loaded correctly but webdriver wait until the Ajax calls finish. class BufferedIO #:nodoc: internal use only def initialize (io) @io = io @read_timeout = 60 @continue_timeout = nil @debug_output = nil @rbuf = '' end . . . . . def rbuf_fill beg...