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Showing posts with the label CD

Bitrise integrate Browserstack to Run XCUITest

Bitrise is one of the best solutions for mobile application development. It gives us many mobile app-related steps to create CI/CD (continuous integration / continuous deployment) pipelines (or workflows as in the Bitrise). Around the mobile application development ecosystem, we have many cloud solutions to make quick and reliable development processes. Browserstack is also one of them, it is widely used in web development and testing but also it also has nice features like 'App Live' and 'App Automate' for mobile app testing. In this post, I want to share how we can integrate Browserstack to Bitrise to run XCUITest. Run XCUITest on Browserstack via Bitrise If you want to run XCUITest on a real device then you must build the for generic iOS devices. Building for generic iOS devices requires provisioning so you should ensure that you added the provisioning step to the workflow. Also to be able to run an iOS build on a real device, the device should be registered to the ...

Bitrise Integrate Browserstack to Run Espresso Tests

Bitrise is one of the best solutions for mobile application development. It gives us many mobile app-related steps to create CI/CD (continuous integration / continuous deployment) pipelines (or workflows as in the Bitrise). Around the mobile application development ecosystem, we have many cloud solutions to make quick and reliable development processes. Browserstack is also one of them, it is widely used in web development and testing but also it also has nice features like 'App Live' and 'App Automate' for mobile app testing. In this post, I want to share how we can integrate Browserstack to Bitrise to run Espresso by directly calling the Browserstack API. Run Espresso on Browserstack via Bitrise If you want to run Espresso tests on a real device then you must build the android project testing so we need to add the ' Android Build for UI Testing ' step then add a script runner to run the Browserstack script. See the workflow: In this example, we are using a scr...

TestOps: What is it and Why we need it

Years of experiences in the software industry shows that there are many more thing that has not been discovered yet. Every approach found in the software industry aims to accelerate the development speed with more customer satisfaction.  Hence the new term "TestOps" is also creating different perspectives on the relationship between test activities to the operational activities within the DevOps culture. In the post, I want to explain my experience with the TestOps.  What is TestOps It shortly stands for tests and operations. Within the DevOps culture, it is a sub-discipline DevOps. There are two approaches to TestOps, these are related to the test approach that you are applying the overall test approach. Mainly if you are applying ` shift-left testing ` then the TestOps should be adopted to have more collaboration with the development team, ` TestOps shift-right `. On the other hand, if you are applying ` shift-right testing ` then the TestOps should be adopted to have more ...

GitHub Actions: CI / CD Tools - Applying for Ruby / Rspec Project

Github released the beta version of " actions " last year for creating a CI/CD pipeline for the projects. This feature enables us to create a pipeline easily with the web interface of Github.  I want to run the tests for one of my public project in the Github before merging branches to the master. For testsozluk aka " test dictionary ", which contains terms frequently used in the software industry with the meaning and usage of them in Turkish. For the project, tests are critical because JSON files in the Github project are the data source of the application so if any corruption in the data may break the android and the ios application. The tests in the project are written in Ruby by using Rspec to assert them so I used the Github actions to verify before merging code. In this post, I want to explain how this can be done. Github's actions are very easy to apply. You can add it just go to the Actions tab in your project and then select one of the predefined opt...

(Micro) Service Testing with Postman - Newman - Docker

Postman seems to become a defacto tool for service testing because the Postman is very user-friendly, easy-to-learn, all-in-one, lightweight and collaborating tool. Postman has been used for a long time but recently it has growing popularity because of a stable native application, collaboration feature after version 6.2, sharing of collections for team, interactive working with the team, mocks for isolated testing, environments for running the test for different test environments such as local, development, stage ... and many more features. For me, one of the biggest features is easy-to-use for everyone in a team so everyone in a team can use and update a postman collection easily. In this post, I want to explain how postman can be used efficiently. Testing a Service and Writing Tests With postman testing service is simple. Postman supports many methods like POST , GET , PUT , PATCH . Just select the correct method and hit the service URL you want...

What Reminds From Testistanbul 2016

First of all, I am appreciated to attend to an international conference on software testing. It is 7th international Testistanbul conference. There was good number of attendants from newly starters to over 30 years of experienced professionals. Most of the attendants were from Turkey thought there were some guys from abroad and some international companies to present their products. Testistanbul conference is important because it is definitely the most valuable conference on software testing in Turkey. It gives us opportunity to meet largest professional group and to share the knowledges in domestic market. The conference topics were as follows:  09:00 - 09:30 OPENING CEREMONY SPEECH: FORMULA 1, CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION, CONTINUOUS DELIVERY AND TEST DATA MANAGEMENT PROCESSES - TURKEY SOFTWARE QUALITY REPORT (TSQR) 2016 / 17 (In Turkish) Koray Yitmen 09:30 - 10:15 IBM SPONSOR SPEECH: SHIFT LEFT FOR HIGHER QUALITY AT GREATER SPEED Meh...

Performance Testing on CI: Integration of Locust and Jenkins

It is a raising question around performance testing people that how to integrate, super hero tool, Locust to Jenkins as a step to continues integration (CI) pipeline. There have been some solutions for this but they are not simple, plus you need to write own log writer to handle this problem.  Actually there was a commit to save the result of the test but it has not been merged to Locust. With these commit we can integrate Locust to Jenkins. Update Locust This  update  is still open so you can not see it in latest Locust version yet. However you can  use this by updating your local repository, or just change two files  and  with the files in your local. For Window change the files in the following directory:  C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\locustio-0.7.3-py2.7.egga\locust\ and for Unix-base OS change the files in the following directory:  /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/locust/  Alter...

Performance Testing on CI: Locust is running on Jenkins

For a successful Continuous Integration pipeline, there should be jobs for testing the performance of the application. It is necessary if the application is still performing well. Generally performance testing is thought as kinds of activities performed one step before going to live. In general approach it is true but don't forget to test your application's performance as soon as there is an testable software, such as an api end point, functions, and etc. For CI it is a good approach to testing performance after functional testing and just before the deployment of next stage. In this post, I want to share some info about Jenkins and Locust. In my previous post you can find some information about Locust and Jenkins. Jenkins operates the CI environment and Locust is a tool for performance testing. To run the Locust on Jenkins you need command line arguments which control the number of clients ,   hatch rate,  running locust without web interface and there s...

Continous Integration Definition of DONE

Continuous Integration is easy if you are ready for the definition of DONE (DoD). It is not only accepting a story as successfull after developped by a developer but it also includes a process which ends after deploying to live and ensuring that it works and does not cause a defect in the live system. Handling DONE actually means of CI. With Scrum there is always one shippable product at the end of each sprint. This shippable product has to include some new features. Definition of Done helps to Scrum to clear the definition of every stages of development, such providing checklist for discussion, estimationa and design, so it makes the user stories more understandable and applicable.  What Definition of Done includes: Identifying the list of acceptance criteria Development Unit testing Funtional testing Regression testing Acceptance testing Performance testing Deployment Documentation Tracking  DONE Every stage can also have sub-stages, DoD should ...