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Showing posts with the label mobil test otomasyonu

Bitrise integrate Browserstack to Run XCUITest

Bitrise is one of the best solutions for mobile application development. It gives us many mobile app-related steps to create CI/CD (continuous integration / continuous deployment) pipelines (or workflows as in the Bitrise). Around the mobile application development ecosystem, we have many cloud solutions to make quick and reliable development processes. Browserstack is also one of them, it is widely used in web development and testing but also it also has nice features like 'App Live' and 'App Automate' for mobile app testing. In this post, I want to share how we can integrate Browserstack to Bitrise to run XCUITest. Run XCUITest on Browserstack via Bitrise If you want to run XCUITest on a real device then you must build the for generic iOS devices. Building for generic iOS devices requires provisioning so you should ensure that you added the provisioning step to the workflow. Also to be able to run an iOS build on a real device, the device should be registered to the ...

Bitrise Integrate Browserstack to Run Espresso Tests

Bitrise is one of the best solutions for mobile application development. It gives us many mobile app-related steps to create CI/CD (continuous integration / continuous deployment) pipelines (or workflows as in the Bitrise). Around the mobile application development ecosystem, we have many cloud solutions to make quick and reliable development processes. Browserstack is also one of them, it is widely used in web development and testing but also it also has nice features like 'App Live' and 'App Automate' for mobile app testing. In this post, I want to share how we can integrate Browserstack to Bitrise to run Espresso by directly calling the Browserstack API. Run Espresso on Browserstack via Bitrise If you want to run Espresso tests on a real device then you must build the android project testing so we need to add the ' Android Build for UI Testing ' step then add a script runner to run the Browserstack script. See the workflow: In this example, we are using a scr...

Getting the text of elements in Espresso

Espresso is not designed to play with UI objects. When you are considering it in terms of capability for testing, it needs to be improved more. It is not as mature as Android SDK itself so you need to customize somethings to handle your requirements. Even you may need to use other tools like UIAutomator integrated into your test suite. In this post, I want to show how we can handle getting the text of ViewInteraction view.  ViewInteraction view does not have .text function for getting the text of the object since it is designed to interact with the object. Another method which may solve the problem of the assertion is to use the .check for matching the text, as follows: However, this method is not a good way to assert that a certain field text equals a value. For this purpose, we need to get the text of the element and assert it. To get the text of the ViewInteraction element, we need to cast it to TextView with getting the assignable form of it ...

Mobile Test Automation: Calabash on Xamarin Test-Cloud

If you are testing your application against emulator / simulator, you will still have risks that the expected features may possible not work on several real devices. To handle the real device testing you should have many devices to run your tests. In the current market, we have lots of possibilities for device and operating system versions combinations. Best approach to find most used devices, you should use some statistical data. Most of the cases Pareto analysis can help for selecting high coverage devices. However if you want to find more bug before release, you can focus on the newest device with latest OS version and the oldest devices with the oldest OS version. Any case you should have at least 5-10 android devices and 3-5 iOS devices for a good level of coverage in the beginning. Therefore managing the devices is another problem if you want to have your own local test suites. As a good alternative you can use the cloud services. In this post I want to share some information a...

Mobile Test Automation: Appium with Python Client

Appium is an open source tool for mobile test automation, you can automate functional test cases for Android and iOS application. As in my some previous posts, I explained Calabash and I just used Ruby for writing test cases because Calabash only supports Ruby and as I know they have plan to support Java. However Appium doesn't have this language constriction. Since it uses Webdriver, it supports the languages which are supported by Webdriver. It means that Java, Objective-C, PHP, Python, C#, Clojure, Perl, JavaScript with Node.js and plus Ruby are supported. You just install the language client you want to test and then write your test cases. Check for the client for your favourite languages from Appium page . Install Appium: npm install -g appium Install Appium Client: npm install wd Install Python Appium Client: pip install Appium-Python-Client Ensure that you have Python installed, recommend to have 2.7 or above: python --version Ensure that you have ...

Fix for Calabash-android Run INSTRUMENTATION_FAILED exception

When you set-up a new android devices or update your .apk file, you may possible get INSTRUMENTATION_FAILED exception: android.util.AndroidException: INSTRUMENTATION_FAILED: at at at at at Method) at To fix this issue you can follow the instruction below: Create new folder Copy your .apk file into the newly created folder go to your newly created folder and run this command to create calabash-android project calabash-android gen run calabash-android via your new devices calabash-android run latest.apk features ADB_DEVICE_ARG= resign ....

Eggplant: Mobil Test Otomasyonu İçin Pratik Bİr Araç

Egglant Testing Tools Eggplant GUI (graphic user interface) ve mobil uygulamaların testlerinde kullanılabilecek olduk ç a yararlı bir test otomasyon aracı olarak görülebilir. Ayrıca perfomans testlerinde de kullanılabilme imkanı sunuyor. Kendine has bir dil ğeliştirilmiş ve bu sayede hızlı bir şekilde test scriptleri yazmak mümkün. Test suite üzerinde hiç bir yazılım bilgisi olmaksızın komutları ekleyerek istenilen script kolaylıkla hazırlanabilir. Burada değinilmesi gereken bir başka yenilik ise Image Doctor olarak adlandırılan bir özelliği ile resmi alınan buton veya herhangi bir objenin ekran üzerinde aratılarak buldugunda uygun fonsiyonu yerine getirmesi istenilebilir. Yani test edilen uygulamanın teknolojisi göz ardı edilebilir. Kaydedilen imajları tekrar tekrar farklı test case hazırlanırken kullanılabilir. Bu sayede hız kazanabilirsiniz. Eggplant vs Platform SUT (system under test) test edilecek sistem olarak geçen sistem demektir. Mobil cihazların testleri için ...