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Showing posts from December, 2019

Automated Performance Testing with K6

Automated testing is running the tests and reporting results by tools with scripts. Automated performance testing is designing the performance test scenarios to run them spontaneously by tools and evaluating the result by tools to decide to go or not to go further. Automated Performance Testing is A subset of the performance test scenarios Designed to run spontaneously by tools Designed to evaluate the result by tools Designed not to break the system Having decision metrics, ex: max response time, max-average resp time, ... Designed to create reports for the concurrent and historical run What Types of Performance Testing Should be Automated Automated performance testing can be applied to all types of performance testing. However, each type needs a different level of maturity and sanity. Automated Performance Testing is Easily applied to load testing Hard to apply stress test, spike test, but have benefits Very hard to apply Soak-Endura...

Basics about Performance Testing Tools

I had an opportunity to give a speech about how we can automate performance testing in CI/CD pipeline in a conference held in Istanbul for the first time " Test automation and Digital QA Submit Istanbul, #TAS19 ". My subject was "Automated Performance Testing", the first part of the speech is to explain what is performance tests and the second part is to explain performance tools, and the last section is to explain what is automated performance testing and how to implement it to CI/CD.  In this post, I want to explain my thoughts about the basics of performance testing tools. Next posts will focus on automated performance testing and using K6 as a performance testing tool. How to Evaluate Performance Testing Tools Before diving into the performance testing tools and technologies we have in the industry, we should define the criteria for evaluation. Each tool has its own advantages or disadvantages and similarity between ancestors or others. When we star...

Performance Testing

I had an opportunity to give a speech about how we can automate performance testing in CI/CD pipeline in a conference held in Istanbul for the first time " Test automation and Digital QA Submit Istanbul, #TAS19 ". My subject was "Automated Performance Testing", the first part of the speech is to explain what is performance tests.  In this post, I want to explain my thoughts about performance testing. Next posts will focus on automated performance testing and using K6 as a performance testing tool. What is Performance Testing By Definition Defining the performance of the system by testing the functionalities of the system in terms of the non-functionalities   Performance Testing is A non-functional testing Testing the functionalities of the system Both black-box and white-box testing Defining how the system works under any loads Applied under different load levels Applied under different load increments Applied under different dur...

Getting the text of elements in Espresso

Espresso is not designed to play with UI objects. When you are considering it in terms of capability for testing, it needs to be improved more. It is not as mature as Android SDK itself so you need to customize somethings to handle your requirements. Even you may need to use other tools like UIAutomator integrated into your test suite. In this post, I want to show how we can handle getting the text of ViewInteraction view.  ViewInteraction view does not have .text function for getting the text of the object since it is designed to interact with the object. Another method which may solve the problem of the assertion is to use the .check for matching the text, as follows: However, this method is not a good way to assert that a certain field text equals a value. For this purpose, we need to get the text of the element and assert it. To get the text of the ViewInteraction element, we need to cast it to TextView with getting the assignable form of it ...