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Showing posts from February, 2022

Implementation of Page-Object-Model (POM) to Espresso (Native Android Testing) with Kotlin

What is Espresso Espresso is a native test automation tooling developed by Google for Android UI Tests. Espresso is open-source, very stable, and there are many frameworks that have been developed around Espresso. The  Espresso testing framework , provided by the Android Testing Support Library , provides APIs for writing UI tests to simulate user interactions within a single target app.  It has a full feature-set of Junit that works with Espresso Android Studio provides everything you need It provides white-box testing What Google says about it Page Object Model (POM) The main idea behind the Page Object Model (POM) design pattern, is to create an object repository for the pages in the application, which will then be used in the tests. In other words, instead of including the page elements and the test code together within the test, we separate them into 2 different entities: the pages and the test scenarios. Using this concept, each screen in the application will have ...

Implementation of Page-Object-Model (POM) to XCUITest (Native iOS Testing) with Swift

What is XCUITest and XCTest Xcode UI Testing is also known as XCUITest  is a huge expansion of the testing technology in the Apple platform apps like iOS.XCTest is a general testing framework, used for unit integration, network, or performance testing of Apple platform apps. With XCTest you can treat it as a xUnit type of test framework, which can be used for lower-level testing. The XCUITest framework is an extension of the XCTest framework but there are some basic differences between XCTest and XCUITest framework. XCTest framework is a completely white-box framework where you can access the data and API in your main app. XCUITest is completely black-box to your app, so you cannot access the data or API of your main app. Page Object Model (POM) The main idea behind the Page Object Model (POM) design pattern, is to create an object repository for the pages in the application, which will then be used in the tests. In other words, instead of including t...

Testing Mobile Apps in the Cloud - Product Comparison

Cloud testing is raising, especially for mobile automated testing it is even going faster. Basically, cloud testing means that an application is installed on real devices or simulators/emulators that are hosted in one of the cloud testing services providers. These devices are maintained by the service providers and promise to be up and ready for service with a subscribed contract so no need to tackle these kinds of stuff for the sake of focusing on building the right product with well-tested features. In this post, I want to share some info about main mobile cloud solutions in the market.   PRODUCT PRICE SUPPORTED TOOLS AWS Device Farm Pay as you go $0.17 / DEVICE MINUTE Test on any of our devices in parallel and pay just for what you use Your first 1000 minutes are free* Unlimited testing STARTS AT $250.00 / MONTH Test as much as you want each month for a ...