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Showing posts with the label ruby

(Framework) API Test automation with Ruby Rspec and Airborne

Automated tests for API and services are very important so there are lots of solutions for API test automation in the market. These solutions can be commercial-off-the-shelf (COT) or opensource libraries also, there are many frameworks created around these opensource libraries. Testing APIs with tools that have IDE can be easy to start and learn but it can be challenging to customize for your unique problems or integration to CI/CD tools can be hard. Therefore I can suggest you use one of the opensource libraries by implementing it with your favorite language. In this way, it can run faster,  easily extendable, and configurable.  I have created a framework with Airborne and Rspec for automating API tests, you can  check it from Github .  In this post, I want to explain what is Airborne and how I implemented a framework around it. You can simply update the environment variables and write your specs file in the ` specs ` folder.  What i...

GitHub Actions: CI / CD Tools - Applying for Ruby / Rspec Project

Github released the beta version of " actions " last year for creating a CI/CD pipeline for the projects. This feature enables us to create a pipeline easily with the web interface of Github.  I want to run the tests for one of my public project in the Github before merging branches to the master. For testsozluk aka " test dictionary ", which contains terms frequently used in the software industry with the meaning and usage of them in Turkish. For the project, tests are critical because JSON files in the Github project are the data source of the application so if any corruption in the data may break the android and the ios application. The tests in the project are written in Ruby by using Rspec to assert them so I used the Github actions to verify before merging code. In this post, I want to explain how this can be done. Github's actions are very easy to apply. You can add it just go to the Actions tab in your project and then select one of the predefined opt...

SQLCMD: Alternative Way of Working with Microsoft SQL Database for Ruby

If you have Microsoft SQL server in your test environment and want to populate test data in Capybara, Calabash scripts you will most probably have difficult time to installing appropriate Ruby gems. One of most popular ruby gem for Mssql connection is tiny_tds but I was not able to install it for both Windows and Unix like environment just because of dependencies. I got the following errors: Errno::EACCES: Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - /Users/mesutgunes/.rbenv/versions/2.3.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/tiny_tds-1.1.0/.codeclimate.yml An error occurred while installing tiny_tds (1.1.0), and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure that `gem install tiny_tds -v '1.1.0'` succeeds before bundling. Another popular ruby gem is sequel . It does not give an error for installation but when it comes to usage, it gives the following error for not found adapter. Main problem with the Mssql in unix is finding compatible adapter. See the log: irb#1(main):002:0> db = Sequel.odbc(...

Configuration of Jenkins on Windows Server for Capybara and Calabash Projects

I think the most challenging part of test automation is nowadays having Continuous Integration and one step more is having Continuous Deployment. These two terms have been a buzzwords around the software community, and everyone is talking about them but there are very few companies that can apply these. The reasons behind this can be listed as: Mis-understanding of agile and scrum Lack of "real" test engineers and Lack of Dev-ops culture  Lack of stable test environments  Lack of vision in the software industry, which saving the day is more critical than saving the future Out-of-budget, not investing on good people but investing in tools On the other hand, there are lots of open-source tools that you can just build and configure your own CI, and maybe next step goes to continuous deployment. In this post, I want to explain how you can set up CI on a Windows server. I will use the following tools/technology and language: Ruby, Gem (many Gems), Cap...

Effective Use of Cucumber with Calabash

BDD, which is stand for behaviour driven development, is created by Dan North . BDD is developed on the top of TDD, which is stand for test driven development to remove the gap of unit testing and acceptance testing. In TDD, every unit is started to be written right after defining the expectations from the units, by the unit testing. However by BDD, regarding the agile story, every unit is specified and tested in terms of desired behaviour. This 'desired behaviour' is what exactly business requires in agile stories.  BDD can be applied by the help of some tools to interpret the business 'desired behaviour' to test code. There are some tools that help this aim such as Behat  for PHP, JBhave  for Java world, and the most famous one Cucumber  for the Ruby world. In this post I want to give some points on how to effectively we can use Cucumber for a Calabash project to automate some agile stories for sample android application. Cucumber takes some keywords ...

Android Test Automation with Cucumber and Calabash

In my previous post I explained the Cucumber Capybara and Calabash and behaviour driven development. In this post I want to explain how we can implement and run cucumber and calabash for automating test cases for android applications. If you have not set-up your environment yet, you can read this post . You should also have an android virtual devices or a real devices that is connected to your computer in debugging mode. Your android version should be higher than 2.2.  If your system is ready for testing, you can clone the repository that I created for mobile test automation purposes. Sure, it may be more sophisticated if a real android developer develop something but from this application you can have a fresh starting. git clone You can check the images on the github so that get information what the application is looking like. Just open the project file and  look at the two important files in feature direct...

Using Examples Table in Cucumber

Using Examples in Cucumber is a great thing for testing world! Examples is a keyword and you can define a set of variable to repeat your case with the whole set of data in the examples block.  We can re-write the examples which checks the login page of with Examples feature of Cucumber. Check the following code: In the  amazon_login.feature file we are reading <username> , <password> and <message> variables from the Examples. This means that the scenario which has the steps used these variables will run 2 times, which is the number of row in the examples. There should some changing in the Capybara, Ruby file.  "(.*?)" this means the function takes a string parameter but we are sending table variable so we need to change  (.*) for string variable in table and  (\d+) for integer variable in table.     As you can see from the result there are  3 scenarios ( 3 passed) and 9 steps ( 9 pas...