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Tarayıcı Uyumluluk Testi ve Bir Uygulaması

1. Uyumluluk Testi Nedir? ISQTB’ye göre uyumluluk (compatibility); birbirleri ile bağlantısı olmayan bilgisayar sistemlerinin aynı ortamda (aynı donanımda) birbirlerinin davranışlarını etkilemeden (kaynakları çakışmadan), beklenildiği gibi çalışmasına denmektedir. Test açısından bakıldığında uyuyumluk testi, test ortamında yapılan güncellemeler sonrasında uygulamanın halen sorunsuz çalıştığının ve tüm fonksiyonlarını yerine getirdiğinin kanıtır. Bu boyuttan bakıldığında uyumluk testi hedef kullanıcı kitlesinin kendi ortamlarını göz önüne alarak kullanıcının yaşayabileceği görsel, fonksiyonel ve performans açısından oluşabilecek sıkıntıların keşfi olarak nitelendirilebilir. Uyumluluk testinin amaçlarını şöyle özetleyebiliriz: Test ortamıyla aynı ortamlarda uygulamanın herhangi bir fonksiyonunda çıkabilecek olası istenmeyen durumların tespit edilmesi İşletim sistemi yaması ve/veya güncellenmesi neticesinde ortaya çıkan uygulamaların üzerine etkilerinin tespit edilmesi ...

What is Your Test Approach

Test strategy or test approach; the meanings of these two terms are generally confused. However, the test strategy is more general and says more than test approach. The testing approach can be explained by groups of test type which are aimed to use for a more successful result by including all the component of the project. By defining the testing approach, test teams can be more comfortable for finding defects. To define the testing approach the following items should be evaluated: Software development methodologies Customer requirements Testing objectives Project subjects Test team knowledge Etc. For sample test approach ISTQB suggests the following approaches: If the test approach is clarified then the definition of the test strategy can be easier. Test strategy is the rules which draw the border of the test approach. It lets people in the project know how to react and it is used for designing of the test cases, defining the process, entry criteria and exit criteria. Ac...

Testing in a Dirty System (Environment)

Means by “dirty environment” If you are accustomed to work in a systematical process, understanding the meaning of “ dirty system ” may be difficult because I am such a person. However, a dirty system can be explained by this; normally traditional, agile or iterative software development methodologies has stages like analysis, development, implementation and testing; every stage has responsible so that every groups produce an output and then finally a software production is come out. As a test engineer, every output can be tested or used as inputs to test another output but if you don’t have an inputs, you will have to face a dirty system. To sum up; a dirty system is a development environment which may possibly has no requirements and/or analysis and/or reference points, lack of documentations, lack of a repeatable test process, even the programmers had already quit the job or there is no testing environment for some test cases. Also we can comment on the place of the group of testi...

Test Automation

What is test automation Test automation is an activity that aims to test the most frequently used and least frequently changed parts of an application automatically. This can be done by test automation tools by the help of programming languages supported. Therefore, related test cases are written as a piece of code. Thought test automation activity is criticized under testing activity, it is a software development activity. Every change in the application should be reflected to the test automation scripts so, even the cleverest test scripts are produced, and maintenance activity comes out as problem of test automation since the application is a live object.   Test Automation Decision Table Test automation has an important role in software quality assurance. Because the needs of the sector and trend towards to test automation is getting high, there are a large number of test automation tools exist in the market, but the most famous too...

Quick starting to Selenium

Selenium IDE Selenium IDE is an open source test automation tool, actually a plug-in for firefox. Basically, it enables user to record a test case and replay it on firefox. However with the other features of selenium, more sophisticated works can be done by selenium. Following instructions can be followed for the installation and the use of Selenium IDE:          1. Install the latest version of Selenium IDE               >          2.  Open Selenium IDE               > Firefox > Tools >Selenium IDE          Selenium Remote Controller With the remote controller, written test scripts can be run on the different browsers. Test script can also be written in  C#, Java, PHP, Python ot Ruby so complex test cases can be written by desired programming lan...

Open Source Testing Tools:

Test Automation JAutomate: Third generation test automation tool for both GUI and Web application projects. This is the first free GUI test automation tool. You can easily record automation script and customize it then replay. You can download the JAutomate here . Performance Testing Tools LoadUI: LoapUI is an open source performance testing tools for load test, it is available for Windows, Linux and Mac. LoadUI has a nice user interface, it is easy to use and the most atractive feature is that while it is running you can add  new performance parameters or new test case or you can change the load without stopping and you can add new indicator to the graphics. You can download from here SoapUI : SoapUI is an open source performance testing toolsfor web service performance test, it is available for Windows, Linux and Mac. Although SoapUI is designed to test the performance of web services but we can also perform laod test by right clicking a test case a...

Browser Compatibility Testing

1. W hat is Compatibility Testing? According to the ISTQB , compatibility is an activity which independent computer systems work successfully in the same environment without affecting the other systems in the environment. In terms of testing, compatibility testing is a testing activity to ensure that after any updates in the environments the application is still work as expected. From this point of view, compatibility testing is aiming to explore the environment of the users, which should be supported by the statistical data and to find any un-expected behaviors of the application before the customers/users have such experiences. Compatibility matrix should be prepared to ensure that all the environment can be tested by desired frequency, a sample compatibility matrix can be found below:  Browser Compatibility Matrix Aim of the compatibility testing: Determining any functional or visual missing, errors or bugs of the application in the users’ environments wit...