Mobile test automation is just another era for test automation since the trends for mobile devices are increasing. For more sophisticated testing approach, we should apply the technics what we have learnt from the test automation for desktop/web applications. As test automation is a part of continuos development, it should be run after each commit to test environment. For mobile application we can use the same method to be more responsible.
Cucumber is used describe the test cases and it very easy to understand for anyone so we can use it for user behaviour as behaviour driven development, BDD. Capybara is a library to simulate user behaviour for just web application. However we can use Calabash for mobile test automation. It means that we can use Calabash and Cucumber together for mobile test automations. As in Capybara, in Calabash there are not much functions to learn. It has basically, finding element, inserting text into textEdit fields, clicking and assertion functions. The important keywords are query, touch, element_exists, enter_text.
How to install Calabash
Install Calabash:
gem install calabash-cucumber
Create Android Virtual Devices
Install Android Development Tools (ADT)
Create Android Virtual Devices (AVD)
Configure Android Environment
- for bash shell
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/tejasvi/Documents/proj/android/adt/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
- for fish shell
set ANDROID_HOME $HOME/Android/sdk/
set PATH $HOME/Android/sdk/tools $PATH
set PATH $HOME/Android/sdk/platform-tools $PATH
set JAVA_HOME /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.8.0_20-b26/Contents/Home/bin/java
Create Calabash Project
calabash-android gen
Run Calabash Project
- Running if there is one devices for (abd devices)
calabash-android run app/bin/android.apk
- Running on a specific device
~ adb devices
List of devices attached
0646944421157e89 device
emulator-5554 offline
calabash-android run app/bin/android.apk ADB_DEVICE_ARG=0646944421157e89
- Running on a specific devices for specific test cases which are tag as t:
calabash-android run app/bin/android.apk ADB_DEVICE_ARG=0646944421157e89 --tag @t