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Showing posts with the label Continous Delivery

Isolated - Scalable Performance Testing: Locust in Dockers

I have shared some posts how to run Locust in Local or in Cloud, as slave or master. At this time I want to share how you can run it in a Docker. To fully get the benefits of Locust I am using it with Python 3 so I created a Docker file and images upload to the Docker Hub , and the project is on the GitHub .  The Dockerfile has the minimum available requirements but we also have a new file called `requirements.txt` which you can add required python libraries to install inside the container by pip install lib . The Dockerfile is: When you got the docker-locust image, you can now run your script. At the end of the Dockerfile you can see that ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/local/bin/locust" ] this enable us to use the image as service  which means that you can directly call it same as using Locust installed locally. See the run command below: Running Locust in a Docker Running the Locust with my image is pretty simple if you used without docker, just try other options w

QA in Production

For a while, I have been thinking about the responsibilities of QA Engineers by broadening them to the production environment. In this post, I want to write the reasoning behind the needs of QA Engineers in production. Integration Testing: Tools and Technology Every day we are facing new integration points with third-party tools or technologies for a win-win strategy. Most of the time these technologies are in the term of the trial period or just a cheap alternative to the present one. These technologies or tools simply don't have adequate documentation so it makes the development and testing of integration riskier. This means that the development, test, uat or preprod test environment is not enough for catching all possible bugs, as a result, the production environment is the final destination for checking logs and monitoring the integration results. Validation of Non-Functional Requirements There are also unclear points behind the non-functional requirements like performance a

What Reminds From Testistanbul 2016

First of all, I am appreciated to attend to an international conference on software testing. It is 7th international Testistanbul conference. There was good number of attendants from newly starters to over 30 years of experienced professionals. Most of the attendants were from Turkey thought there were some guys from abroad and some international companies to present their products. Testistanbul conference is important because it is definitely the most valuable conference on software testing in Turkey. It gives us opportunity to meet largest professional group and to share the knowledges in domestic market. The conference topics were as follows:  09:00 - 09:30 OPENING CEREMONY SPEECH: FORMULA 1, CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION, CONTINUOUS DELIVERY AND TEST DATA MANAGEMENT PROCESSES - TURKEY SOFTWARE QUALITY REPORT (TSQR) 2016 / 17 (In Turkish) Koray Yitmen 09:30 - 10:15 IBM SPONSOR SPEECH: SHIFT LEFT FOR HIGHER QUALITY AT GREATER SPEED Mehmet

Performance Testing on CI: Integration of Locust and Jenkins

It is a raising question around performance testing people that how to integrate, super hero tool, Locust to Jenkins as a step to continues integration (CI) pipeline. There have been some solutions for this but they are not simple, plus you need to write own log writer to handle this problem.  Actually there was a commit to save the result of the test but it has not been merged to Locust. With these commit we can integrate Locust to Jenkins. Update Locust This  update  is still open so you can not see it in latest Locust version yet. However you can  use this by updating your local repository, or just change two files  and  with the files in your local. For Window change the files in the following directory:  C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\locustio-0.7.3-py2.7.egga\locust\ and for Unix-base OS change the files in the following directory:  /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/locust/  Alternatively, you can clone this commit from github and instal

What Reminds from Continous Devilery and Design Conference by Thoughtworks

The conference was hold on September 11, 2014 in İstanbul, Turkey. I want to briefly explain the importance of the conference and what was learnt from it. Thoughtworks, as a well-known consultancy firm in the world, has entered the Turkey's software market. This means that there will be something changes in software industry since there are lots of consultancy firm in Turkey and they have got one more competitor. However this is not an ordinary competitor, they may possibly bring lots of experiences and different kind of consulting culture from the other consultancy firms.  What is the situation in Turkey? As I mention, there are lots of software / test consultancy firm but majority of them work as providing developers / tester to companies to work as outsourced . Therefore the guys generally fell alone when doing their jobs because there is generally no technical supports for them to improve their abilities. Also the major problem in Turkey is software development process.