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Showing posts with the label testing

Differences Between Testing and Checking

Testing is a group of activities which aim to make an application better by finding drawbacks. This explanation is not enough for successful testing result because every activities like checking, control, inspection, supervision or something apparently seen as testing activity do not fully accomplish what testing can do. In this post, I want to give some informations about the differences between testing and something such as checking which non-testing-knowledge people may see them as same.  First of all, let's look at the definition of testing by IEEE standard documentation IEEE - 829.1983 , this documentation sets the basics of testing and thereafter ISEB and ISTQB have used this standard for improving their software testing base. Definition of the software testing by IEEE is as follows, as you can see it in this reference : "Software testing is the process of analyzing a software item to detect the differences between existing and required conditions (that is, bugs

Gamificaiton and Testing

Gamification is a new trend in design techniques which enables user to fill forms and to use applications in more interactive and entertaining way. It aims to increase  user engagement, Return on Investment (ROI), data quality, timeliness, and learning as it is defined by Mario Herger . If we think that in the internet/computer age, the majority of the people play games in generally in their early ages so we can say that the playing game get people familiarity and tendency to use effectively something created by/with belonging the rules of game (or game mechanics). Game mechanics are the rules which return applications like a game. In general, every game has a level and the end of level you may have prize and there is a turn to play again or pass to next level; every level you may have combination of decision and risk . The complete rules can be listed as: Turns, Action points, Auction or bidding, Cards, Capture/Eliminate, Catch-up, Dice, Movement, Resource management, Risk